My Divinity 2 Yours.
Hola, I’m Amber. I'm the creator of My Divinity2Yours – A Multidimensional Synergetic Sovereign Revolutionist ethereal Inspiring Del Corazón. A Revolutionary Synergetic Sovereign Elixir. Here we advocate Sovereignty, implementing to think and feel for ourselves. A Multidimensional revolutionary synergetic approach.Your presence here could be indicative of an expanded spiritual awareness about the greatest shift in consciousness ever witnessed in the multiverse.We are in a Universal Shift, one of the greatest awakenings known to humanity, some might recognize it’s as the times of revaluations and rapture. 2024 is going to Test Our Undying Divine Faith and Sacred Freewill. We are being invited to step into our power and magic, utilizing a Fearless heart centered mindset as the catalyst for intention-setting. Believe in yourself, trust your intuition, and don’t hesitate to step out of your comfort zone. Whether you’re reconsidering your love life, grievance guidance, feeling stuck, stagnant or energetically blocked, whatever it is that you are curious about. We can intuitively collaborate together empowering yourself with the knowledge to access your own alchemical timeline, collaborative intuitive energies. You deserve the purest self love, give your Freewill aka your Soul a fighting chance, free yourselves from doubt and oppression, Facilitate techniques to help you sharpen your abilities, please don’t ever doubt how powerful you truly are. From My Divinity2Yours. ☮️💞♾Take a look around, explore my site.
Divina Guerrera Diosa. Divine Warrior Goddess.
A Multidimensional Spiritual Guide
🌬✨💫Welcome to My Divinity 2 Yours courageous soul's Welcome to the first day of your elevated Multidimensional phenomenal life, the ones boldly brave at heart and daring to be ❤️🔥soul ignited. The truth seekers, I see you, I feel you, and I honor your entire existence. In this revolutionary community of synergetic sovereignty here at my divinity 2 yours we are blending divine optimism and divine realism, honoring universal unity and divine diversity. You are your own unique version of this infinite universe. The universe is personified in and all around you. We are all unique multidimensional sovereign beings. What exactly does that signify?It means to think for yourselves your journey is uniquely tailored for you. We are all on different timelines at different speeds. No one is ahead, and no one is behind. You are exactly where you are supposed to be, that's until you choose a different perspective of awareness to consciously journey your way to your highest timeline. Truly, the only competition you’re in is with yourself. We are our own worst enemy, our goals are to collectively become the most phenomenal versions of ourselves. Wherever it is that your imagination takes you, we are infinite, boundless, and limitless. No one is superior nor inferior to the powers that used to be Vs. the powers that-NOW Are. We are ALL in this-together. As above, so below, as within, so without, it is a reminder that spirituality transcends cultural boundaries and that there are universal truths that resonate with all of humanity. No one can predict free will, and anyone who says that they can is not being truthful, aka FOS.There is a higher power divinely orchestrating everything.
Amber is a transparent sovereign realist,a multi-dimensional revolutionist, a multi-dimensional cosmic bridge builder and the initiator of alchemical-dimensional realms, She is an energy transmuter, A spiritual warrior, a compassionately heart-centered soul igniter of deep wisdom at a profound Indigo cellular level.Amber says Fuc The labeling fuc your boxes We are limitless Immortal and boundless Amber is a multidimensional sovereign being, which is our Divine frequency.
Amber incarnated in this lifetime with her fraternal twin brother Tomás, gifted and blessed with intuitive psychic abilities.Amber was able to integrate her feminine and masculine energies at a very young age. Please note that we all have these energies. We are here to integrate our feminine and masculine energies. We all carry both. Tragically, Amber‘s twin brother, Tomás, her day one since conception, was murdered, it will forever feel like it happened a millisecond ago. Amber knows undoubtedly that he continues to divinely guide and protect her, his Children, siblings, mother, nieces and nephews from higher realms and dimensions; he was the first to ever tell her to be cautious and invoke divine discernment wisely because not everyone has your heart. At 11 years old, our father passed away due to a tragic car accident that was alcohol-related. He also continues to divinely guide and protect his children and grandchildren, so at a young age, Amber intuitively sensed instinctively how to tap into her intuitive gifts; she was being divinely guided and cared for by divine loved ones in higher realms her faith is undying a warrior goddesses testimonies equivalent to rawness and authentic vulnerability. Amber's faith was tested time and time again, still her faith is undying, she is fearless in all adversity, trials, and tribulations. The good, the bad, and the unfathomable have made her the multidimensional bona fide Indigo Starseed that she incarnated to embody and personify. Directed from her higher self her intuition along with the powers of the universe. Amber has extensive knowledge of numerous metaphysics and divination methods that she has learned and developed throughout her own personal experiences, studying and doing her own in-depth research. Amber challenges and encourages ALL to think for ourselves, there is no wrong way of doing spirituality. You do it YOUR way, a way that is uniquely tailored for you. We are all perfectly imperfect, and only we can validate who we are. No one else can do that for us.Amber knows who TF She is. Do you?
Fearlessly Embracing the unknown is where all the magic is at. Self purification self awareness saving yourselves Sweetheart. That’s how you keep your divine powers; that’s how you keep your Divine Life Force. Gentle reminder Amber can only assist those who want to be assisted. She is not here to force anything, nor is she here to shove anything down anyone’s throat. If you are willing, We can collaborate in regards to any obstacles you may currently be experiencing while empowering you with tools to empower yourself on obtain your own formula towards peace and vitality of mind, heart, body, and soul. Amber will always encourage you to think for yourselves and to do your own research, which is crucial for your spiritual growth in every aspect of your multidimensional existence. Amber knows that everyone has it within them to obtain their own guidance by trusting their own intuitive instincts utilizing various methods and trusting in the guidance they receive from their higher self. Energy is fluency it transcends time and space. Her heart and soul is full of gratitude to raise the collective consciousness awareness to oneness. Her mission here on earth is to encourage us all to cultivate heaven on earth as conscious universal shifters of authenticity and unconditional love for self and humanitycollectively.Sparking her Amber blue flame while honoring all of her ancestors and humanity to elevate. Ambers divination is dedicated to empowering, catalyzing, and inspiring humanity to remembrance of how powerful they truly are and embody their soul essence as a multi-dimensional sovereign being. Soulution oriented most importantly. Amber knows her divine powers she moves purposefully with graceful, merciful pure intentions.
Respectfully, Amber doesn’t believe in putting a price tag on The vulnerabilities of humanity. Amber will not turn you away due to monetary issues.
A gentle reminder: Amber 🗡 ✨ has a sword of truth a compassionate no nonsense guide, if you resonate with rawness aka Authenticity you’ve been guided to the right place.Encouraging You to Embrace the unknown, that’s where all the miracles manifest🪄
If you are inspired contributions can be made for Amber’s time and energy, should you wish to make one.
Everything is divinely orchestrated everything.
S☮️ulitarian on a divine mission of synergetic sovereignty from my divinity 2 yours Aligning with my divine path.Sending you all soul much light and soul much love.
I Am Full of gratitude for it all.
Services I Offer
Experience You Can Trust
Alchemical Healer: Energy Transmitter Energy transmutation
Starseed Transmitters are highly evolved souls whose origin is from the stars, or the higher dimensional realms of existence. They originated in star systems and are remembering their cosmic light, and higher vibrational origins and connections.
These indiviudals have past life or parallel experiences in the higher dimensions and are remembering this link in the present lifetime.🧬✨
They have a Multidimensional purposeful mission.
Most Transmitters are from the Crystal, Indigo, and Rainbow soul group.
They are highly sensitive empaths.
Transmitters have the innate ability to access the 5th, 7th, or 9th dimensions and are here to help all of humanity to initiate this leap of faith into a higher dimensional consciousness.
They have Unique psychic abilities: telepathy, channeling, clairvoyance and more.
Energy transmutation is to transform negative emotions into positive energy, fostering personal growth, well-being, and inner peace. Get back to your balanced self with this unique energetic vitality. Here, clients will be able to align their minds, hearts and souls, getting in touch with their own spirituality. An Aura is the electromagnetic field that emanates from every matter both living and non-living. It is the energy field of the physical body that contains all the information of the internal states of the body. The intensity of your auric field is a reflection of your inner world. What you associate with, your beliefs, emotions, the unhealed traumas, and the way you feel about yourself either accentuates your energy or constricts it.
The goal is to attain a balance within your internal states of energy by working on all areas of your life. Balance is the key to a blissful life. This is what will make you a magnetic being. When you vibrate from this state your aura will extend several feet from your physical body and will undoubtedly light up and energetically shift the energy in any room you walk into. I work with all of my clients on a deep, emotional, spiritual level, to understand exactly what they require out of my powerful potent divination. Ambers alchemical divine elixir is a courageously potent nectar encouraging you all to take notes of this profound wisdom as a gift, a true blessing for all of humanity to tap into the highest frequency, which is authenticity, for a deeper inner standing, a depth of inner standing of self, and oneness of pure unconditional love. The divine healing light being sent will also assist with clearing and balancing your major energy points, known as chakras, while also bringing a sense of vitality and wellness to your being, a purge.
Activating the magician and alchemist in you
— Alchemizing victimhood into empowerment
— Utilizing your power to create your reality
— Bringing your soul’s gifts into your daily life
— Channeling the guidance of your higher self
— Deepening trust in your ability to manifest
— Receiving messages about your path and inspired steps
— Reconnecting with the wonder and magic of life
— Learning how to channel in your unique way
— Letting go of blocks stopping you from connecting more deeply
— Connecting with Source through the portal of the heart
— Trusting the guidance you are receiving from within
— Opening up to channel creations and ideas from the heart
— Becoming a vessel for Source consciousness
Be open to receiving it at the time, and it is crucial to keep yourself hydrated by being gentle with yourself throughout the day as the energy integrates and elevates you. However, be cautious of who you are exposing your energy to always use divine discernment. Divine Creator Ancestors Guardian Angels continue to guide and protect us ALL.
Oracle & Tarot card reading’s
You ask the question, Whatever it might be that you are curious about…
I read the energy and the cards reflect it back.
3 Card spread past, present, and (Potential) out come, I’ll emphasize (potential) due to the fact no one can predict free will.
Love💞 reading. 5 Card spread.
The best part about a tarot card reading is You, Be open to receive.✨
Divine Sacred Union to SELF 𓂀 𓋹 coaching Session’s
🌬✨💫 Divine Sacred Union§∴∞𓂀 𓋹 ❤️🔥⚖️🪶∞💫✨
Masculine and Feminine energies are frequencies we ALL have 𓋹 It is union within one’s self to self, learning what it takes to really meet yourself. Regardless of our gender or the gender we identify with, we are all made of energy, masculine and feminine energies. Masculine and feminine go in pair, they nourish each other. This is part of the duality that makes everything in our world. Divine union is a term used to describe the coming together of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies within ourselves. Leading to a state of balance and harmony as these two forces coming together as an integrated whole.Crucial first step for manifesting a sacred relationships on Earth. The divine union can be experienced within oneself, as well as within partnerships.It is a sacred and transformative relationship that requires inner work, self-awareness, and a willingness to let go of old patterns and beliefs that create imbalances. When these principles are balanced and harmonized, it can lead to a state of wholeness within the self, deeper intimacy in sacred partnerships, and oneness with the universe.
It is important to recognize and value the significant contributions of both masculine and feminine energy. ☯️
The Divine Masculine principle is associated with traits such as strength, courage, action, and logic.
He is deeply present and listens without being distracted
He doesn't judge
He creates a safe environment
He doesn't take things personally
He is a guiding force, supportive and encouraging
He has discipline and knows when to be focused
He is a man of his word, honest and accountable
He is humble
Has integrity
He is of service and does what is in the highest good
He is grounded
The Divine Feminine principle is associated with traits such as compassion, intuition, creativity, and nurturing.
She is grounded, receptive, reflective
She has strong boundaries
She is gracious in her strength
She is loving, empathetic, compassionate and supportive
She knows how to ask for what she needs
She is vulnerable
She is authentic
She is not afraid to speak her heart and does so with no shame
She flows through life effortlessly
She knows how to surrender, be open and trusting
She is naturally intuitive and listens to her heart rather than her mind
She manifests and creates
She is confident in her body and with her femininity.
She exudes beautiful, sensual energy and attracts naturally,
These two energies exist in harmony.
If one is out of balance it means that the other is also imbalanced. So if you are too grounded in your masculine energy, you will be deficient in the Divine Feminine and vis versa.
In an ideal world, both men and women would be able to connect with both energies and make conscious choices that blend the best of both aspects in every situation. Each person would be able to embrace intuition and logic. Making decisions with both prudence and inner awareness. Display self-discipline as well as be able to go with the flow, connecting with the structures within the cycles.
Show proper emotions while at the same time being rational and even-handed.
If you feel stuck, stagnant or out of balance, I would examine how these two divine energies manifest in your life. A great place to start is to look at the formative and important relationships with the men and women in your life.What did you learn about masculinity? What did you learn about femininity?How did these examples affect who you are and how you show up in the world?
Over the years, the feminine has been disrespected, dishonored and dominated by the wounded masculine Vice versa the masculine has been Emasculated by the wounded feminine and the patriarchy. The world has gotten out of the natural balance.
She is usually insecure and looks for external validation
She can be critical and her loved ones feel like they can never do anything right, because she always has something to criticize
She is needy in her relationships, she needs to feel loved and asks (begs) for it
She can't control her emotions
She tends to be manipulative
She is afraid of loss and is very attached (in an unhealthy, excessive way)
She over connects and over shares her emotions and needs
She is desperate for love and always chasing it
She feels like a victim
She sacrifices herself; she prioritizes others at her expense
She can come across as inauthentic
She has an unhealthy internal masculine: no boundaries or self control
He is competitive and always wants to win
He is focused on goals and attached to success
He tends to avoid connection and can be cold and distant
He takes everything personally
He needs to be right
He fears failure
He defends himself, attacks, accuses
He sometimes runs away from love, withdraws, creates separation
He can be aggressive
He is critical and judgmental
He is narcissistic and selfish
He can't really, deeply listen to others
He is stuck in the mind
He isn't in touch with his emotions
He can have addictions to work, drugs, tv etc.
He has unhealthy internal feminine who is serious, rigid and controlling
Both masculine and feminine energies have an unhealthy, wounded aspect and a healthy, divine aspect. The wounded part comes from ego, a place of fear and darkness and always leads to pain.
When we shine light on these aspects of ourselves, when we become aware of what is unhealthy/wounded, we can heal and transform this into healthy and divine energy.
When we become aware of our unhealthy patterns, of our wounded self, we can stop recreating the same patterns, stop projecting them out onto others and heal our relationships.
The unhealthy masculine feeds the unhealthy feminine and vice versa and we encounter this in our relationships as well. Which usually creates co-dependency and never ends well.
But when we are aware of this, the unhealthy masculine & feminine can heal and become healthy again. The healthy masculine and the healthy feminine grow together and become united as one. When the two are healthy, we are healed from the inside out. These energies become divine.
It is up to us to step into the divine masculine and feminine.
The shift is happening, the feminine is rising, our world is craving for more balance. We all have the power to step into the highest expressions of ourselves to create change.
That sacred symphony of the soul, becomes a bridge between the human and the holy, an intimate whisper in the cosmic ear, seeking heart centered illumination, fortitude, and wisdom.Divine union is crucially important for humanities evolution. It can lead to a deeper sense of self, more emotional intimacy and catalyze radical growth by allowing us to show up as a whole integrated multidimensional sovereign being. It is important to innerstand even an over standing awareness and embrace both energies to achieve a state of balance and unity within one’s self. Here, clients will be able to align their mind, heart and soul getting in touch with their own emerging inner Sacred union to self.
Are you ready for massive transformation? 🐉☯️💞♾💫✨
Ascending Symptoms🌞🧬
🏜🌞🧬 Spiritual Ascension activation is the expansion of consciousness. It could also go by other names such as Spiritual Awakening or Enlightenment. This process doesn’t happen all at once. Let me emphasizing that these ascension symptoms are DIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE. Ascension is a constant layering to give you the chance to adjust to the energy requirements of the different frequencies. As you ascend you realize that everything that exists is somehow interconnected to the whole.
Through this Spiritual Ascension process, your energy and vibration is becoming lighter, your consciousness is expanding and your thoughts, and beliefs about life are taking on a new meaning. Your emotions, and those of others, become understood from a deeper level and you go through life with more ease and joy.
But this adjustment can be uncomfortable and cause “ascension symptoms” as a result of holding on to limitations and resistance. For the highly sensitive individual, the ascension process can be a bit more challenging as emotional trauma, that became stuck in their energy field, comes up for clearing. This clearing may slow you down as it works through the density created within you, but it is a very important process because it allows space for higher consciousness light to enter.
Even though you may think that every unpleasant symptom in your body is an ascension symptom, that is not always the case. It is wise to use your own discernment and check with your healthcare provider if symptoms persist.
The Ascension symptoms you may feel will usually reflect what is clearing and expanding in you. For Instance, if it is your heart that is clearing for expansion, you may feel palpitations. If it is your third eye, you may experience blurred vision or flashes of light. What follows is a list of some of the most common Ascension symptoms and what it could be clearing for expansion.
Ringing in the ears - your hearing is being adjusted to be able to hear higher frequencies.Sleep interruption - you are working out what holds you back in life during your sleep state.Feeling drained of energy - energy is moving into the physical body for clearing. Frequent headaches or pressure in the head - 6th and 7th chakra opening up. Heart palpitations or fluttering sensations - your heart chakra is clearing out old wounds to allow more unconditional love to enter.
Sudden or extreme changes in body temperature - energy is running through you clearing out old energetic patterns Feeling as you don’t belong or detached from the external world - you may be coming aware that you are more than what you thought you were. An increased sensitivity to nature - becoming aware you are part of the whole A sudden increase in synchronicity - your frequency and vibration is matching that of the higher source. Becoming more introverted Hermit mode- you may be feeling the need go inward for answers.
Be kind gentle and graceful with yourselves. Staying hydrated is crucial.
Does this resonate with your core soul frequency?
Doreen virtue teacher of metaphysics, has identified the following starseed waves.
Indigos born 1975 to 1995, have a masculine energy, with warrior traits of willfulness and natural leadership. They are often sensitive to chemicals, including their own body chemistry. Because of their anger and angst, they need outlets for their great energy, and often result in an ADHD diagnosis. As a group they hope to rid the planet of corruption and greed, and usher in cooperation and integrity. I describe them this way:
I know I’m here for a purpose. I know that the way we treat each other and our Earth is supposed to change. I’m tired of waiting. Let’s get on with it!
Crystals, born 1995 to 2015, have a feminine energy – calm, sweet, and quiet. They are often so quiet that they are diagnosed with autism or Aspergers. Crystals prefer to communicate telepathically or through music to convey their deep and complex feelings. They are often even more sensitive to chemicals than Indigos.
Rainbows, born 2012 and later, have a perfectly balanced male and female energy. They are wise and serene with a greater recognition of the collective consciousness. Like indigos and crystals, they are psychic and can read people’s feelings. Whatever loving thoughts, feelings, and actions are sent to them are magnified and returned a hundred-fold.
The term
Star Children can cumulatively describe all these types of children, and can also refer to those who sense a connection to other worlds. Star Children are seen as having the abilities to tackle issues in non-traditional and unconventional ways. Their skills often include: telepathy, pre-cognition, telekinesis, remote viewing, intuition, energy healing, and channeling.
"To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge"